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Portway Rochester 5 Multifuel Stove - 5kw




Product Description

This stove, the Portway Rochester 5 Mk2 Multifuel stove is the ultimate representation of luxury and practicality, which has been carefully designed to be fitted in small to medium sized rooms. Prepare to be astounded by it's dainty stature, and charming cast iron components, making this stove, that admirable centrepiece that will catch anyone's eye as they enter the room.

Every single detail of this Rochester 5 stove has been taken into consideration during the design process, creating an appealing ambience within your home. The decorative stovetop, which features a cornice bevelled edge design, adds a hint of elegance to the overall aesthetics of this stove. Not only does this stove have an ample sized viewing window for it's size, so you can see the roaring flames, it also has decorative trimmed, curved door which is easy to open and close, making adding fuel easy to do.

Winter nights in your home will never be the same again with this stove fitted, as it releases an adequate 4.9Kw of heat, making any room nice and cosy warm.

Not only is this stove designed and manufactured to suit both contemporary and classical settings, this stove is fitted with a variety of extraordinary features such as, the impressive airway system which makes sure the viewing glass remains crystal clear, allowing for the roaring flames to be seen clearly at all times. The maintenance of this Rochester 5 stove could not be made any simpler with the adequately sized ashpan, meaning the cleaning process can be carried out efficiently. Operating this stove is more of a pleasurable encounter, than a chore, thanks to its easy to use controls where you can adjust the heat levels accordingly. As well as all of this, this stove includes a tertiary air supply, boosting combustion levels so you get the best possible performance output from your stove.

Along with it's outstanding warmth and eye-catching aesthetics, this stove has remarkable environmental details, with an A+ rating and an 81.3% energy efficiency rating, this stove is the perfect, eco-friendly stove that will keep your carbon footprint to a minimum. As an EcoDesign compliant stove, it complies with all the latest clean emissions standards, to provide a much cleaner burn. In addition to these, the Rochester 5 is DEFRA approved, which means this stove can be used legally in any/all UK smoke controlled areas.

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